
1. Consultations

Sole proprietorship or small partnership? Or a private limited company? Public body? Professional partnership? Association?…

What taxes will you have to pay? How much?

Become VAT-registered immediately, later or never?

What about social security, maternity leave, pension?

What documents do I need? What happens if I want to liquidate the company?

These and many other questions plague those who want to start their own business.

Contact me and I will answer all your questions and give you my insights.


People who have recently started a business often come to me with a variety of problems.

For example, they were selling online, doing well, with an annual turnover of €170,000, but at the time of their annual tax return they find out that they have to pay VAT on sales of more than €45,000. The amount is huge, exceeding the entire profit earned during the year. Disappointing, but avoidable – in just one hour’s consultation, you can discuss all the tax aspects ahead and model your business safely.


I also help accountants with various questions about recording debits and credits, strange balances in bookkeeping accounts and correcting errors.


There is often a frustrating situation when people sell a property and find out that they will have to pay a huge amount of personal income tax. This could have been avoided if they had known that they did not have to pay tax, e.g. if they had kept the flat for two years and declared their residence for the same period.


Unexpected costs and headaches can be avoided by taking professional advice.

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Contact me and I’ll be happy to answer all your questions and help you with all your bookkeeping problems.

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