Company formation in Lithuania online
for foreigners by granting an e-resident status
A natural person can incorporate a company in Lithuania without coming to Lithuania.
The online service can be accessed using one of these:
- eIDAS system,
- e-resident card and electronic signature.
A natural person can incorporate a company in Lithuania using their identification via eIDAS system only if they are residents of one of these countries: Luxembourg, Netherlands, Sweden, Austria, Spain, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Poland, Estonia and Latvia.
The residents of France, Italy, Belgium, Germany, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Israel, United Kingdom, Ireland, Canada, the USA, Australia, Japan, Singapore, Taiwan and South Corea can incorporate a company in Lithuania using their identification via e-resident card of the Republic of Lithuania granted in their country of residence.
The steps to be taken:
- Granting e-resident card of the Republic of Lithuania (legal cost 108 Eur),
- Receiving an address in Lithuania with the right to register a company (~100 Eur per year)
- Incorporating a company online (legal cost ~50 – 70 Eur)
- Granting e-resident card of the Republic of Lithuania
The procedure of granting an e-resident status is being executed via the official Lithuanian government website
What is an electronic resident?
A foreigner who wishes to use the administrative, public or commercial services provided electronically (remotely) in the Republic of Lithuania may submit an application for granting the status of an electronic resident of the Republic of Lithuania. A foreigner may start using the opportunities provided by the status of an e-resident when he/she has been granted the status of an e-resident in accordance with the procedure established by the Law of the Republic of Lithuania “On the Legal Status of Aliens” and has been issued an electronic identification and electronic signature means.
How to submit an application for granting the status of an electronic resident of the Republic of Lithuania?
A foreigner of at least 18 years old must fill in an application for granting the status of an electronic resident of the Republic of Lithuania through the Lithuanian Migration Information System (MIGRIS) and submit it to the Migration Department.
A foreigner located abroad submits the application through the chosen external service provider.
Full list of the external service providers is here:
For example, if you are based in Italy, after submitting an application for granting an e-resident of Lithuania, you should arrive to VFS Global Italy S.R.L, Lithuania e-resident Card Application Center, Via Manzoni 51, 00185 Rome, Italy, for to submitting your fingerprints and photograph. The detailed information you can find here:
The decision on granting the status of an electronic resident is made immediately.
After examining the foreigner’s application for granting the status of an e-resident and in the absence of grounds for not granting the status of an e-resident, a foreigner is granted the status of an e-resident for 3 years.
How the collection and activation of the electronic identification and electronic signature means takes place?
A foreigner who has been granted the status of an e-resident will be issued an electronic identification and electronic signature means with a certificate of identification of the e-resident in the electronic space and a qualified electronic signature certificate of the e-resident entered therein, which are valid for a period no longer than the validity of the status of an e-resident of the foreigner. This electronic identification and electronic signature means issued to the foreigner gives him/her the opportunity to use the administrative, public or commercial services provided electronically (remotely) in the Republic of Lithuania.
A foreigner or his/her authorised person must arrive at the place where the application for granting the status of an electronic resident of the Republic of Lithuania was submitted in person, i.e. at an external service provider for which the application was submitted to collect the electronic identification and electronic signature means no later than within 6 months from its issue.
After collecting the electronic identification and electronic signature means the foreigner must activate it through MIGRIS.
- Receiving an address in Lithuania
For the registration of a company in Lithuania, it is necessary to get an address and owner’s permission to register a company there.
The owner of the premises will have to sign an electronic permission via the self-service portal of the State Enterprise Centre of Registers.
- Incorporating a company online
Companies are established through the website of the State Enterprise Centre of Registers:
If you need any assistance, feel free to contact me at +37065222853 or