
6. Bookkeeping

My team and I manage the accounting of LLCs, MBs, LLPs, IJs, partnerships, associations and sole traders from the initial documents, calculate taxes, submit all the necessary declarations to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), prepare personnel documents, calculate salaries, daily allowances and other benefits, submit reports to the Sodra tax office, declarations to the Intrastat and GPAIS systems, draw up financial statements and submit them to the State Enterprise Centre of Registers (VĮ Registrų centers).

We can also prepare management reports to help you assess the structure of income and expenses, and the profitability of different businesses or projects, compare them over time, and forecast and plan your business.

If you have an accountant, I can provide the services of a senior accountant – checking the accounts and bank transactions recorded in your accounting system, explaining and correcting errors, making closing entries, calculating taxes, and making recommendations for optimizing your accounting system.

Are you looking for accountants who work on a “good first-time” basis? Who submits all declarations and reports before the last day of the deadline? Do you want your accounting to be accurate, consistent and systematic, and to pay exactly the right amount of tax?

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